Floor Repairs

Floor Repairs


There is good news and bad news. Very often floors have been damaged to a point where it just doesn’t make sense to attempt to finish them without making repairs first. Any floor finish will only perform as well as the surface it has been installed over. If you apply floor materials over damaged concrete, rotted wood or any other compromised substrate, the floor finish simply cannot perform at a level for which it was designed. That’s the bad news.


The good news is that the experts at Forever Floors can fix that. We take great pride in our ability to install high performance floor finishes that perform up to the manufacturer’s specifications. A long time ago we realized that in order to do so we needed to be experts not only in applying these finishes, but in repairing damaged wood and concrete as well. The last 25+ years we have honed those skills to a point where we can readily identify and complete repairs in the most professional and cost effective manner.


At Forever Floors we are dedicated to providing our clients with the lowest life cycle costs and best return on their floor installation dollars.  Call Forever Floors– We Can Fix That!


Get in touch

898 Brookside Road

Allentown, PA 18106

Call Us

OFFICE: (610) 433-12619